Have you heard of ERC, the Employee Retention Credit? ERC is a substantial stimulus available to businesses that chose to retain their employees during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Businesses such as Hotels, Offices, Medical Offices, Car Dealerships, etc. with a minimum of 5 full time W-2 employees can qualify even if they took PPP loans and had no revenue decrease.
When President Biden came into office, he made several changes to the Cares Act legislation making it much easier for all businesses to qualify.
Our Partner is the America's leading independent consulting firm filing for ERC and makes the process simple and efficient.
A business can receive up to $26,000 per employee ($12,000-$16,000 is the average).
If you would like to learn more about how we can help your business, please click the link below and sign up for a free call. There is no cost until you are fully funded by the IRS. |